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Guardian of Being

My Guru

She moves in mysterious ways. One minute here, the other; gone.

Completely free.

She doesn’t comply to anyone and she never does anything she doesn’t want.

Always true to herself. No people pleasing.

When she relaxes, she Relaaaxes.

I’ve never seen anyone quite so at ease in her own body.

The Queen of Rest. And she can sleeeeep.

When she moves, she is completely silent; unbelievably soft in her tread.

Her ability to focus is magnificent. Completely still; just her whisking tail reveals the intense energy she’s flowing toward the object of her attention.

Then; suddenly an explosion of power.

Fiercely strong and fast.

Powerful, even deadly, if she wants. Kali.

And then… back to stillness, like nothing happened.

Soft and cuddly.

Playful! Suddenly totally goofy, making me laugh because she’s so funny and adorable.

The next moment, cool and composed, looking like a Goddess.

That girl knows how to pose..

She is the master of Pleasure. Aphrodite.

So completely present in her enjoyment of life.

Soaking up a sun spot. Or Surrendering to the strokes of my hand.

Shamelessly enjoying the complete attention. Fully here, fully now.

Deeply sensitive. Fiercely powerful.

In Balance.

A beautiful Paradox.

Her presence fills me with a Love impossible to describe.

A love that completely fills and overflows my heart. I can FEEL the Love.

In my heart and in the energy between us. A palpable sensation.

Mysterious but very real.

it fills me with Gratitude.

Thank you for teaching me about the power of Now.

About unconditional love and the ability to find sensual pleasure in seemingly mundane things.

Thank you for reminding me to stop and enjoy the moment,

in the midst of my to-do-list.

Thank you for your truth and for your presence in my life.

My little Guardian of being.

My Guru. Stina the Cat

You rock! ;)

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